DALLAS, Apr 29, 2008 / FW/ — ‘Her parents were present at the shoot,’ says Vanity Fair, when the photo (see left) was taken by Annie Leibovitz. ‘It was digital’, the magazine told Entertainment Tonight, which means that the parents of the 15-year old Miley Cyrus knew exactly what it would look like. So, what’s the fuss about Miley Cyrus’ Vanity Fair photo?
Last night, all TV networks ran a story about Miley Cyrus who plays Disney’s ‘Hannah Montana’ raising the teen’s popularity several notches and expanding it to a demographics that she does not usually reach. Even Vanity Fair got a piece of the action, that is, the glossy was ‘promoted’ accidentally to a different demographic that it usually caters to.
In short, is the Miley Cyrus scandal for real or for fake? Was it created by a ‘faceless’ PR manager to expand the teen’s popularity who is on the verge of launching her first solo album? Better yet, was Miley Cyrus’ ‘brand manager’ testing the teen’s popularity and how far it could be pushed?
Was this ’scandalette’ planned all along to increase Miley Cyrus’ popularity and to sell more magazines? Look at the situation, the photo (above) was leaked! Now, the June Vanity Fair issue is the most highly anticipated this summer.
A lot of people are crying foul, the networks even saying ‘too sexy too soon’ but with everyone saying their two bits about the situation, Washington Post says it best with its ‘The Latest Ingenue To-Do: Vanity Fair Portrait Tests Image of Disney Superstar’
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