NEW YORK, Sep 26, 2008 / FW/ — It seems that the public cannot get enough of Ellen DeGeneres. Early this week, P& G announced that Ellen is the latest CoverGirl, and today, One A Day revealed that the comedienne is the spokesperson for the ‘One A Day Women’s Wake-Up Call’.
A program that gives people the opportunity to send their friends and loved ones a personalized ‘Wake-up Call’ from Ellen about things they can do to help support breast health, the ‘One A Day Women’s Wake-Up Call’ hopes to reach as many women possible by the end of October.
According to a 2007 Centers for Disease Control report, while awareness about breast cancer is at an all-time high, the number of women over 40 getting annual mammograms is declining. In fact, every three minutes a woman in the U.S. is diagnosed with breast cancer.
In addition, to help fund research and increase public awareness, One A Day is making a donation to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
For more on how to receive your call, go to www.oneaday.com.