DALLAS, Mar 23, 2013/ — Based in Dallas, Joe Pacetti is known for “Magnificent, Jewels by Private Appointment”. A renowned jeweler and certified gemologist for the past 33 years, Joe has the knack of finding the perfect pieces for his discriminating clientele.

Focusing solely on women’s jewelry and religious pieces for the past three decades, Joe Pacetti finally branched out to men’s jewelry with HIS World Collection three years ago.

Catching up with Joe at DIFFA last Friday, the fifth generation Dallasite gave us the bits and the deets on how his men’s jewelry line.

“My friends have always been telling me that they love my jewelry but they can’t afford to pay $50,000 for just one piece. So, I started designing jewelry that is more accessible in terms of price,” said Joe.

“The items at HIS World Collection begins at $100 and goes as high as $5000,” he added.

Rings, belts, charms and religion-inspired pieces could either be old world with medieval influences to contemporary themes dominate this very masculine jewelry collection.

While for a long time now, men in general just stick to watches and rings for their jewelry, HIS World Collection can give a rapper a run for his money. With HIS World, you can outbling a rapper and still stay within the confines of good taste.

For more info:
HIS World Collection: www.hisworldcollection.com

J.Pacetti Precious Jewels: www.jpacetti.com

Photos by Mari Davis

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