Titled “Basking in the Osun River,” Mozambican designer Eliana Murargy paid homage to her African roots for Spring/Summer 2020. The collection which was unveiled during New York Fashion Week artfully blended the flowing water of the Osun River to all the blooms along its banks.
The result – very feminine and romantic looks that are evocative of “The Aje, who is a Yoruba female figure of African descent, one of intense cosmic power and a sustainer of life.”
“The clothing I design reflects an ethereal inner beauty, highlighting the beautiful feminine features all the while remaining simple, soft and confident – a tribute to womanhood” commented the well-spoken Eliana Murargy.
That really is not a surprise. A polyglot, Murargy speaks four languages. You can actually say five if you add her designing prowess. After all, art is a language on its own.
Case in point, her fine tailoring and refined fits via flowing shapes and detailed silhouettes effortlessly morphs from daywear to evening wear. Soft shades of rosé, beige and a wide array of blues in delicate silks look and feel soft yet comes on strong.
Vivid sparklers, touches of silvery textures and pink accents are worked in expertly in stark white and black to create a visual aesthetic that is bewitchingly transfixing.
To accomplish all these, Murargy works with an exclusive community of West African tailors who hand-craft beautifully rendered silhouettes. Impeccable finishing and details serve an uncompromising contemporary notion of what feminine beauty signifies for women around the world.
Photos courtesy of Eliana Murargy