BERLIN, Apr 17, 2009 / FW/ — What a difference a city and a continent make! In Sydney, Trekkies missed Zoe Saldana who plays Lt. Uhura whose famous quote ‘All hailing frequencies are now open’ even made it to a NASA shuttle flight.
In Berlin, the beautiful Zoe Saldana owned the red carpet with her one-shoulder double layered mini cocktail dress in fuchsia. (Barbie, eat your heart out!)
But, wait, Anton Yelchin who plays Pavel Chekov is not around! Maybe, just like in the Star Trek series, they are picking up their crew as they go around the solar system, though this time, just around the world.
Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana) came on board in Berlin, so hopefully Pavel Chekov (Anton Yelchin) will come on board in London when they have a premiere there on the 20th.
With Berlin’s coolest geeks in attendance, the latest incarnation of Star Trek debuted in the German capital.
Photos courtesy of Paramount
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