DALLAS & MILAN, Nov 14, 2009 / FW/ — Italian upscale department store La Rinascente (derived from Rinascita – means “rebirth” in Italian) highlights the “Made in Italy” theme for Christmas 2009 and had chosen to feature Moschino in one of its store windows at its Piazza Duomo branch in Milan.
For the occasion, Moschino decorated a large tree in the colors of the Italian flag; the leaves are made of stain while the green, white and red branches are decorated with bottles of the Moschino Glamour perfume.
In the background, a silver sun is covered by two clouds made from tulle and tiny rain-drops made from coloured pearls.
The window will be on display at La Rinascente in Milan until the December 1, 2009.
And just for a little bit of Italian trivia:
La Rinascente was founded in Milan in 1865 by Luigi and Ferdinando Bocconi and was the first department store to open in Rome in 1887.
Currently La Rinascente has a concept store and a chain of 12 stores in major cities (2 in Milan, 2 in Rome and one each in Turin, Palermo, Genoa, Florence, Catania, Cagliari, Padova, Monza) and two subsidiaries branded Jam ( specializing in clothing for young people) in Milan, within the branch of Piazza Duomo, and in Rome at the Rome branch Colonna.