Keyboard for Blondes
Keyboard for Blondes

DALLAS, Dec 20, 2008 / FW/ — The fictional Elle Woods would have loved the color, (the Harvard Law grad favorite color is pink after all); but will she approve of the name, Keyboard for Blondes™ because it sounds sexist, even politically incorrect?

Touted as the ‘ultra-cool keyboard’ and has OMG, ALI (Absolutely Love it!), LOL or XOXO on hot keys, and says things like ‘Oops!’, ‘Duhhhh?!’, ‘Yes, I want it!’, ‘No way!!!’ and ‘You’re so smart!’, one could ask, what’s not to love?

Actually, a lot – who really wants to have a smart ass keyboard? Personally, I don’t think I could handle a talking keyboard. I get enough sounds from my CPU, so why would I want to hear my keyboard speak? Now, that a ‘Duhhh?!’

Seriously, the pink keyboard will be a good gag gift; but for even the technologically impaired, it will be a bad addition to their high-tech arsenal.

For more information about the pink keyboard, log on:

Photo courtesy of Keyboard For Blondes

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