NEW YORK, Oct 28, 2009 / — It’s only three days before Halloween and you’re still agonizing on what to wear. Well, you just came to the right place.
Heidi Klum, model, Victoria’s Secret angel, host of Project Runway and most of all, wife and mother tells her secret on how to be the sexiest cat and vampire.
Known for her adorable and fabulous Halloween parties, Heidi Klum shares makeup tips and costume ideas for the scariest night of the year.
1. Sexy cat. You can make a cat costume yourself with a few things. Get a leotard and some fabric paint at places like Pearl Paint (www.pearlpaint.com) or Michaels (www.michaels.com).
Then you can paint cat patterns right onto the leotard to make it more interesting. Buy a dog collar with a tag and put a fun message on it.
For example, when I was a cat in 2007, I put “If lost, please return to Seal.” You can also buy cat ears and a fake tail that can be attached with a few stitches or a safety pin.
Add in some sexy high heels or boots. Really go for it and paint your face like a sexy city cat. Don’t forget the whiskers!

2. Vampire. I love wearing fangs! Especially when they have blood dripping down them.
If you really want good fangs, think ahead and ask your dentist if he can make you some. That’s what I did and they fit your teeth perfectly! I take good care of them so I can wear them year after year.
Also, play with changing your look. If you are blond, go and get a great black wig. You can find one at Bob Kelly Wigs in NYC (212.819.0030) or Ricky’s (www.rickysnyc.com).
It’s good to invest in one amazing element of your costume. Wigs, especially, make a difference! It also helps you get into character.
Photos courtesy of Modelinia.com