Illustrated Lineup by Livia Bianda, B.F.A. Menswear Design
Illustrated Lineup by Livia Bianda, B.F.A. Menswear Design

Livia_Bianda_Headshot_by_Rob_CurryLivia Bianda, B.F.A. Menswear Design, was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has immersed herself in the design world, serving as the menswear intern at Alexander Wang in New York, assisting
Academy of Art University seniors with their 2014 graduation collections and contributing to the design development process in styling menswear looks as a part of the design team for the Indonesia Day festival in San Francisco.

In March of 2014, Bianda’s work was chosen by Academy of Art University to participate in the first round of the Joe’s Blackbook Design Competition in New York. Bianda’s lycra, mesh, pinstripe wool and pinstripe cotton graduation collection was inspired by the uniforms and exaggerated silhouettes seen on football players.


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