Inspired by a 1980s performance by Gary Numan, the latst Rick Owens collection, “Performa,” offered high fashion looks from a dystopian universe, doused in theatrics.
We saw monstrous shoulders, spindly sleeves that extended well past the wearer’s fingertips, and intriguing silhouettes draped in giant puffer capes. The collection made its debut in a show of smoke, accompanied by a soundtrack of Numan’s Down in the Park. Looks were constructed from contrasting materials and textures, like chunky knits, reptilian leather, soft cotton, and thick metal accessories. Brought to life in hues like sky blue, rust, and gray, our three favorite looks were the structured coat with psychedelic stripes, the sweatshirt dress with a single pant leg, and the asymmetric strapless gown, worn with a matching glove and tall platform boots.