Brioni Menswear Spring 2007
Brioni Menswear Spring 2007

MILAN, Jun 27, 2006/ FW/ — Entering the Brioni presentation last Sunday was like entering an oasis of serenity, exactly what Brioni wants the men to have in Spring 2007- tranquility and quietness amidst the noisy and harassed world of travel.

The collection, which is entitled ‘Chic In Flux’ proposes travel as a form of therapy, that being in a plane should be spent as a ‘time to think, plan and contemplate.’ And with a ‘microwardrobe that is exclusive yet informal, practical and easy yet opposed to comfort at any cost.’

So, at the presentation, there were hostesses/governesses that were folding clothes with TLC, putting tissue paper in-between the folds so that there would be no creases, each item of clothing from shirts to trousers to shoes have a specific place in the suitcase.

So, what does the travel connoisseur has in his traveling case?

Jackets and cardigans in pure white hopsac cashmere, the feather-light down jacket styled like a shirt in striped shiny/matte white silk, cotton drill travel jacket with silvery buttons worn over a pair of Polo-white stretch jeans and a pair of white linen pajamas with a matching kimono robe.

Photos by FW

Brioni Menswear Spring 2007
Brioni Menswear Spring 2007
Brioni Menswear Spring 2007
Brioni Menswear Spring 2007