MILAN, Sep 28, 2009 / FW/ — Has the fashion world just found a way to cover up? After years of pushing the envelope of how much of the woman’s body can be exposed, all of a sudden, we are covering up even during summer and Gaetano Navarra is on the spearhead of that movement.
To Gaetano Navarra, minis are in, trousers are out but legs are covered even during the summer. Leggings are a must! Knitted, patterned, perforated, embroidered, no matter what form they take, leggings cover the legs!
Under dresses, but also under skirts, even if the hemline reaches the ankles, the leggings with its slimness elongates and thus provides a balance to the chunky and shapely volumes of the dresses.
And what does Gaetano Navarra propose to go with the adorable leggings? A European interpretation of the sari and a thousand new ways to drape it – in dresses, single-shoulder tops and in blouses.
Silhouettes are mixed, ranging from architectural to flowy. They can geometrical, like a multifaceted diamond. Or they can be flounces, fluttering with petals or pinched folds.